Quasi-Bayesian nonparametric density estimation via autoregressive predictive updates

Published in Uncertainty in Artififial Intelligence 2023 (Spotlight), 2021

Recommended citation: Ghalebikesabi, S., Holmes, C., Fong, E., & Lehmann, B. (2022). Quasi-Bayesian nonparametric density estimation via autoregressive predictive updates. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 658-668). PMLR. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06462

Bayesian methods are a popular choice for statistical inference in small-data regimes due to the regularization effect induced by the prior, which serves to counteract overfitting. In the context of density estimation, the standard Bayesian approach is to target the posterior predictive. In general, direct estimation of the posterior predictive is intractable and so methods typically resort to approximating the posterior distribution as an intermediate step. The recent development of recursive predictive copula updates, however, has made it possible to perform tractable predictive density estimation without the need for posterior approximation. Although these estimators are computationally appealing, they tend to struggle on non-smooth data distributions. This is largely due to the comparatively restrictive form of the likelihood models from which the proposed copula updates were derived. To address this shortcoming, we consider a Bayesian nonparametric model with an autoregressive likelihood decomposition and Gaussian process prior, which yields a data-dependent bandwidth parameter in the copula update. Further, we formulate a novel parameterization of the bandwidth using an autoregressive neural network that maps the data into a latent space, and is thus able to capture more complex dependencies in the data. Our extensions increase the modelling capacity of existing recursive Bayesian density estimators, achieving state-of-the-art results on tabular data sets.

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